Some reference customers

For an overview of customers that use Kommers supplier portal, see


Svevia use Kommers eNterprise to manage procurements, contracts and purchase orders for their projects with road constructions and road maintenance.


Kommers eNterprise helps LKAB to keep control of suppliers, contracts, procurements, complaints and sanctions.

Inköp Gävleborg

One of Sweden's largest purchasing centers where Kommers eNterprise is the hub of activity. Procurement, contracts and price lists are handled for 10 municipalities in Gävleborg and Hälsingland. Several integrations.


In December 2012, Landskrona city became the first municipality in the Sweden to introduce an integrated purchasing system from the need to invoice.


In December 2014 Helsingborg stad selected Kommers eLite for handling procurement and contract management. Adjustments have been made in the spring of 2015. Kommers SSO is used.


SIDA under Utrikesdepartementet, keeps control of their global agreements and make procurements in a separate Kommers eNterprise.

European Spallation Source

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a multi-disciplinary research facility based on the world’s most powerful neutron source. Kommers eNterprise is used since October 2017.


OKQ8 is one of Sweden's largest fuel company. Kommers eNterprise is centrally used for contract management and procurement.

AB Lindex

Lindex is one of Europe's leading fashion brands with over 480 stores in 16 markets. Kommers eNterprise is used for ordering indirect materials directly from the stores and at the introduction of new stores.


Uppsala is Sweden's fourth largest municipality. Since 2014, the municipality companies and foundations use Kommers eLite for procurement and contract management. Functions for coordinating facilitate cooperation within Uppsam-regionen.

Sollentuna kommun

The municipality of Sollentuna use Kommers eLite for procurement and contract management. since the autumn of 2017.


Vetenskapsrådet is an agency under Utbildningsdepartementet, which has a leading role to develop Swedish research. Kommers eLite is used for contract management and procurement, including direct procurement. The request is introduced.


With Kommers eLite procurements are made and contracts of goods and services. Contracts use the local system's ability to build tender documents in a structured form.


Ale kommun use Kommers eLite for procurement including joint advertising with Tjörns kommun, Lilla Edets kommun, and Kungälvs kommun.

A-Train AB

Arlanda Express is owned and run by A-Train AB, who also designed and built the new Arlandabanan. Kommers eLite is used for the procurement of infrastructure for Arlandabanan.


Riksbyggen is one of Sweden's largest property managers, with housing associations and property owners as clients. Kommers eNtry was introduced during 2015.

Piteå kommun

Piteå kommun selected Kommers eLite for management of procurement and contracts, in 2015.

Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten

This authority is gardening that Sweden has a living sea and fresh water. Kommers was introduced in 2014 to deal with contracts and procurement.

Idrottshögskolan (GIH)

The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) uses Kommers eLite for procurement since 2013.


The municipality of Luleå kommun changed to Kommers eLite and went into production New Year 2015/2016 with procurement and contract management. Several public own companies are also connected.