Kommers RFI

RFI stands for Request For Information, information request. Kommers RFI is however used for more than market research. It can be used, for example, for the request of approval of ethical rules, obtaining of information for e-commerce connection or contract monitoring.

Kommers RFI means that general web surveys can be created which then can be sent to selected suppliers or simply anyone. The answers will be set automatically and linked to the company in Kommers Market Module. The answers can be rated and decisions can be taken such as supplier's suitability or trust level.

Replace paper based forms

  • Create standardised forms that can be reused.
  • Support for text fields, multiline fields, selection list, multiple choice list.
  • Support for rating.
  • Evaluate, make decisions and create a report as a PDF.
  • Automatically linked to the company in Kommers Market Module.

Area of application

Our modules


Here you can read more about Kommers modules for private companies


The following modules are optimised for Kommers eNtry

Read more about Kommers eNtry

With Kommers eNterprise you choose modules freely

Read about Kommers eNterprise

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The following services are offered for private organisations

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